USM Foundation

LeaderNotes Fall/Winter 2021

on December 9, 2021 by Micaela Cameron

The latest edition of LeaderNotes is available. This edition includes a Letter from the President, a Board Meeting Recap, Gifts Across the System, and more.

Click here to read the full newsletter.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

After more than 20 long months of meeting virtually, I was so happy to see many of our Foundation Directors at our first in-person Board meeting since February 2020. The meeting was both informative and productive, and you can read more about it farther down in this newsletter.

I am pleased to let you know that our FY21 annual report is ready to view. This year’s report includes a letter from me and Foundation Chair Bonnie Stein, and one from Chancellor Jay Perman. Both letters celebrate the accomplishments (including the highest investment return in the history of the Foundation) and recap the challenges the Foundation and USM experienced this past fiscal year. The report also features an interview with USM Foundation staff, who showed resiliency and ingenuity amid the pandemic’s disruptions. Click here to access the report.

In November, Foundation Board Chair Bonnie Stein was named to The Daily Record’s inaugural Power 30 Higher Education List, which showcases leaders, teachers, policymakers, and advocates who rose to the challenge of preparing a generation of citizens, despite the obstacles of the pandemic. I am thrilled that Bonnie was chosen for this well-deserved honor. Throughout the 12 years she has served on the Foundation Board, and her five years as chair, Bonnie has been a true example of a passionate leader, dedicating herself fully to advancing higher education within the state of Maryland.

In an interview with The Daily Record, Bonnie commends USM institutions and the Foundation. “I get to be an eyewitness to the research, teaching and leadership that is improving the wellbeing of Maryland and the nation. The Foundation supports the extremely vital work of the System schools and academic centers by helping to build a culture of philanthropy and by investing donations to benefit students, faculty and programs” said Bonnie. Joining Bonnie on this list is Foundation Director and Chair of the Board of Regents Linda Gooden and USM superstars such as Chancellor Jay Perman, USM Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Joann Boughman, and nine USM institution presidents. You can read more about this farther down in the newsletter.

I’d like to close by telling you about an article I had published in Trusteeship, the Association of Governing Board’s bimonthly magazine. The article, “The Five Characteristics of Great Foundation Board Members,” outlines what I believe to be the five attributes that fantastic board members have. Great foundation board members are leaders; learners and listeners; grateful givers of time, talent, and treasure; diligent team players; and are faithful but not unquestioning advocates. If you have time, please give it a read by clicking here.

Finally, I would like to wish all of you a happy holiday season. I look forward to seeing you in the coming year and until then, please stay safe and healthy.


Leonard R. Raley

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