Are you busy? Do you have enough time to get in front of your donors?
As you take a look at your major donors, what is their average age? 50? 60? 70? 80? If you’re thinking about your aging donors, you’re probably thinking about legacy giving. However, you still have annual revenue needs.
This workshop is perfect for you if you are directly responsible for raising money from individuals through personal solicitations. Everyone knows you only have so much time to get in front of your donors. So when you do, how will you maximize your time and talk about how to support the organization annually and for generations to come?
Join this workshop with Susan Kahan, founder/principal of Sapphire Fundraising Specialists, on the power of the double ask – asking a donor in a single interaction for an annual gift and for a legacy or planned gift.
With more than a decade working in the nonprofit sector, Susan Kahan is passionate about the power of philanthropy and helping organizations meet and exceed their goals to fulfill their missions. Based in Chicago, Susan has experience working with major gifts, mid-level donors, planned giving, capital campaigns, and creating and executing on fundraising strategies and events.
Beyond Chicago, Susan has worked across the Midwest, New England, and the Mid-Atlantic, and she brings her knowledge and expertise from these special communities to each of her current projects and clients. A relationship builder and people connector, Susan was also involved in grassroots political mobilizations and encouraging citizens to get involved in the political process with their voice and their financial support.
Prior to founding Sapphire Fundraising Specialists, Susan held fundraising and management roles at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Susan graduated from the George Washington University in Washington, DC with a major in Communication and a double minor in Political Science and Business Administration.
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