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Management 3.0 Workshops
Management 3.0 virtual workshops focus on learning techniques you can use the next day. Through interactive activities, gain a fresh perspective to co-creation and leading teams and organizations and leave the workshop empowered to make an impact. Management 3.0 workshops offer a wealth of knowledge and insights into agile leadership principles and practices. These new perspectives will challenge conventional management thinking and broaden your horizons.
Session 1: Energize Teams
Thursday, October 10
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
We will discuss:
- The Management 3.0 five principles and six organizational views to achieve organizational success and employee happiness.
- How engagement relates to motivation and why it’s important
- You can’t motivate people, but can create a system where people can be motivated.
- How “manage the system, not the people” relates to motivation
- The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and which one is more important in a Management 3.0 context.
- The ten motivators of the CHAMPFROGS model: Curiosity, Honor, Acceptance, Mastery, Power, Freedom, Relatedness, Order, Goal and Status.
- How to use the Moving Motivators to learn about individual motivators of people.
Session 2: Empower Teams
Thursday, November 7
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
We will discuss:
- Why people behave as they are treated and why teams can no longer be managed from one central node.
- Understanding authority and ability, and why distributed control is so important.
- Creating self-managed teams with delegation and empowerment and how not to fall into the micromanagement trap to grow trust and productivity.
- Developing a better approach to the concept of superiors and subordinates, accountability and responsibility.
- How to set up a delegation board, using the delegation poker practice.
Session 3: Align Teams
Wednesday, December 4
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
We will discuss:
- The impact of team culture and how culture and strong values align teams and individuals towards collective goals
and can bring greater buy-in to metrics and OKRs.
- Creating boundaries for what we care about and how do we want to act.
- Using metrics, objectives and key results (OKRs) the right way!
- How measuring a system will influence a system, especially when they are co-created.
- 12 rules for good metrics and the difference between vanity and actionable metrics.
- The difference between leading and lagging indicators.
- What objectives and key results are (OKRs) and how to use them
The speaker for these workshops will be a staff member from Management 3.0 Leadership and will be announced soon!
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